Feb. 25, 2015
I can’t believe it’s nearly March! It’s kind of fun to look back and see where the week went.
Pittsburgh: If I had one word to sum up my less than 48 hours in Pittsburgh, I would have to say “delightful.” I was expecting to see a small, rusty, run down city but instead I was greeted by beautiful scenery full of bridges, rivers, stunning older homes, so many friendly people out walking around in 7 degree weather, and my favorite, snow!!! Since the weather was far too cold for us Southerners, we did the majority of our exploring from the car. The neighborhoods we explored were charming yet unique.
Some Dining Recommendations:
–Point Brugge – This cute café nestled away on a quiet corner in Pittsburgh’s Point Breeze Neighborhood was the perfect way to spend the afternoon enjoying Belgian-inspired cuisine. Their beer selection is to die for.
-Burgatory – Being vegetarian does have its challenges when it comes to dining at burger joints, but Burgatory had an AMAZING veggie burger. Bobby talked me into sharing the caramel pretzel shake, which was also AMAZING.
Instacart = Life Changing: After getting back from Pittsburgh on Saturday, the last thing we felt like doing was grocery shopping. Enter Instacart! We got on the iPad, ordered our groceries, and two hours later a driver showed up with all of our purchases. I am never going to the grocery store again.
And I Thought I Had Problems: While Bobby was in Pittsburgh, he told me about Sean Swarner, a motivational speaker he heard at his conference. I love a good come back story, and this one is rather remarkable. Imagine being diagnosed with 2 different forms of cancer as a teenager, given two weeks to live, and placed in a coma for a year. Then imagine surviving these sets of challenges and moving on to hike Mt. Everest and the highest peaks on each continent, all with one lung. Oh, and he also completed the Ironman. Check out the details here.
Bookclub: This month for book club we read The Husband’s Secret, a dramatic, yet at times comical story involving intertwined characters that revolve around a husband’s terrible secret. I won’t say anymore since I don’t want to give the book away but definitely worth checking out.
I usually don’t bother to set my dining room table since I eat most of my meals hurriedly over my computer keyboard, however I decided to get creative and pull out the good dishes. The evidence is in the picture above. With the weather being cold and rainy, I decided to make this black bean and sweet potato chili for the girls. It was a great evening full of interesting conversation and of course plenty of wine.
Sitting Too Much?: As many of my close friends know, I’ve had a severe IT band injury from running for nearly 2 years now. I could write an entire blog post on everything I’ve done to try and recover, but I think my biggest problem stems from sitting too much. Randomly today I came across this amazing video that shows a stretch that will actually reach your TFL (tensor fasciae latae). For all of my fellow designers that sit too much, it’s definitely worth checking out. Just ignore his jokes which aren’t funny.
So happy it’s Friday but where did the week go?!!!! This weekend my mom is coming to visit, and we plan on doing some wedding dress shopping and discuss other wedding planning details. Hopefully we can sneak in a mani/pedi and some relaxation as well. Stay warm my friends and have a great and happy weekend!
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