Focus Watercolor Lettering | Nicole Victory Design

April 1, 2015

Quite a few changes are getting ready to happen over at Nicole Victory Design, and I’ve lost a bit of my focus mojo. A large move is imminent and with that comes all of the chaos of getting the house ready to sell, going through closets and purging stuff that I haven’t used in years, and figuring out what to do with the stuff I’m going to keep. I have no idea where my fiance and I will be living, so it looks like I get to move in with dear old mom and dad who have so graciously offered my childhood bedroom to me. Uh oh, I think that qualifies me as one of those “boomerang kids.” Combine all of the above chaos with an internet outage that just wouldn’t let up, and I found myself on the verge of a meltdown. Luckily, my fiancé got the internet fixed, and I took a little break from it all to work on a new hobby of mine, watercolor lettering. I received a ton of painting supplies from my grandmother and have been playing around with hand lettering. Controlling watercolor requires some intense focus, which I think is helping me to get my design mojo back. I’ll be sharing some more lettering in future posts once I get some better skillzzzz.

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