Workout Jar Label | Nicole Victory Design

DIY: Sassy Workout Jar

Workout Jar Label | Nicole Victory Design

March 20, 2015

Happy Friday! The weekend links will be back, but today I’m sharing this crafty little project I worked on this week. With Spring in the air, I’m ready to get back to my regular workout routine, and what better way to motivate myself then with a sassy workout jar! I love hand lettering and vintage labels, so I’ve created this free printable for you to download and create your own jar with. You can download it here.

For the jar, I used an old Spaghetti jar, and removed the labels following this tutorial. The only thing the tutorial left out was that you may need to use a rough sponge or even a brillo pad to fully remove the adhesive, and I then followed that with a good scrubbing of Dawn and finally glass cleaner.

For the lid, I found a knob in the cabinetry knob aisle at Home Depot and attached it using this tutorial. I spray painted the lid and knob with gold, glitter spray paint (eeeeek! I love using glitter!), attached my label, put on the lid, and am ready to sweat my ass off to earn some cash!

Happy Weekend everyone, and I hope you get a chance to get out and enjoy the warm weather.

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