Weekend | Nicole Victory Design

Where Did the Week Go?

Weekend | Nicole Victory Design

March 13, 2015

I’ve spent the last week doing some wedding planning and dress shopping in my awesome hometown of Knoxville, TN. The friendly residents, lack of traffic, and everything to offer that I was looking for when I left for big city living in Atlanta, makes Knoxville feel like paradise. The amazing transformation of my hometown makes me want to trade in the chaos of Atlanta and move back! Hopefully one day that will be a reality.

A little walk down The Simpsons memory lane: Who could forget when Bart and his friends decide to go to Knoxville for Spring Break? The Sunsphere falls on their rental car and all hell breaks loose. Check out the episode details here.

For the beer connoisseur: One of my favorite spots to hit up when I’m in town visiting is The Casual Pint. With 8 locations and growing, they offer a huge selection of craft beers to enjoy in a fun, casual environment along with a store to purchase any type of beer imaginable. Since they don’t serve food, this is a unique place to truly enjoy and appreciate a dynamic beer menu.

Millennial moms are bringing back the unicorn: While I was home I got to enjoy my parents’ Wall Street Journal subscription and was beyond geeked out reading this article about the resurgence of my 80s obsession, the unicorn. Who could forget sobbing through the dark, animated movie The Last Unicorn?

Photographing illuminated objects: I found myself wrapped up in a photography project this week that involved photographing lamp shades that needed to be illuminated while displayed in daylight. After trial and error and reading this article and watching this YouTube video , I found some great advice on a new challenge I’d never attempted before. Here’s to learning new skills!

I’ll be playing catch up over the weekend after being away and can hopefully make time to enjoy the Spring weather. Have a wonderful weekend friends!

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