Harsens Island Workation 2016

Harsens Island Workation 2016 | Nicole Victory Design

Back in the Summer of 2011 I finally quit my job that had been making me miserable for years in pursuit of a full time freelance design career. A few days later, I retreated to my family’s vacation home on Harsens Island, MI to begin an annual tradition known as the Harsens Island Workation. Each Summer I spend 6 – 8 weeks here working my regular full time hours but in a beautiful place surrounded by friends and family. Since my description of this unique place can’t even do it justice, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Gander Outdoors Logo Concepts

Gander Outdoors Logo Concepts | Nicole Victory Design

Although I didn’t win the Gander Outdoors Logo contest, I did place in the top 99 and even got retweeted by Marcus Lemonis himself! Check out my process and logo concepts for the new Gander Outdoors.

Rustic Art Deco Wedding Invitations

Rustic Art Deco Wedding Invitations | Nicole Victory Design

Sharing the rustic Art Deco wedding invitations I designed for our Fall wedding, which features a custom logo, foil stamping, and custom envelope liners. While most girls grew up fantasizing about their wedding, I grew up fantasizing about designing my wedding invitations.