My yoga pant wearing life usually consists of working from my home office with crazy cat co-workers. Exciting photoshoots involving a sexy Santa outfit and posing with a vintage plane for The Warbird Pinup Girls 2019 Calendar isn’t a typical day for me.
Like Grandmother, Like Granddaughter, kind of...
This exciting photo shoot opportunity was near and dear to my heart since my fabulous and fashionable grandparents met each other while working on the airlines, back in the day, when flying was, gasp, glamorous!

The 2019 calendar is inspired by Vargas paintings, and the posing details are all in the finger and foot placement; something I had never paid attention to in his work. I spent several days studying vintage pin-up paintings and WWII nose art to prepare for the shoot.
This was my pose:

Here’s my final photo:

Nailed it?
Not quite. I stood like this for several hours, constantly adjusting my fingers and feet to hit just the right pose. I was even sore the next day and now realize that professional models don’t have it quite so easy.
It was such an amazing Fall day spent with Christian, his talented crew, and I even met the owner of the plane, The Ain’t Misbehavin’, Mr. Wes Stowers.

Getting out of my comfort zone, studying a different genre of art, and embracing unique experiences like this is what continues to fuel my creativity and improve my design work.
As we move towards the end of the year, I have visions of vintage aircraft, pin-up painting details, and nose art dancing in my head.

If you’re interested in purchasing a 2019 calendar, you can grab them here.
Thanks, mom, for accompanying me to this photo shoot! Ya can’t be too careful! Thanks, Dad, for taking me to the rainiest airshow ever to promote calendars. Thanks to the hubs for not being weirded out by this experience and making me your screen saver. Thank you Lawrence J. for being my agent and telling me about this opportunity.
Merriest of Merry Christmases to everyone and a very Happy New Year!